Placing the crown back on the roast dinner for vegans everywhere


With lofty goals to challenge the market leaders with their beloved vegan Yorkshire puddings and a growing selection of vegan products, it was clear Cherub needed a new identity to establish itself as a frontrunner in the plant-based industry.

Project achievements

Social audience reach at launch1.75 million
Month 1 web visits11,885


"In today's world, branding is most prominently showcased and influential on a brand's website, and this was no different for Cherub.

The brand needed a fresh new look to do business online for the first time, and this included every touchpoint, including stationery, product packaging, and vehicle livery. Cherub was about to fly."


"With any successful recipe, you need good ingredients, and we knew from the start that we were working from a strong foundation - the brand team knew their product and where they wanted to be. Through brand discovery and strategy workshops, we delved into how to build foundations for the brand to expand and grow across all exposure points when the new brand name, Cherub, was born.

To tap into the desire to become an unashamedly premium household name, we needed to bring a characterful twist on tradition. So, we used playful experience to conjure up stand-out branding and product packaging that could be applied flexibly to other touchpoints."


"Reinvigorating their brand while staying true to their purpose-driven values, we designed a new brand identity and visual language that translated across multiple applications, including packaging that would stand out on store shelves and a new e-commerce website with its own recognisable style.

The distinctive branding immediately evokes a feeling of goodness, honesty, and new beginnings. Cherub are foodies—guardians of deliciousness—and our work reflects this with appealing, stylish branding that highlights the pride and evolution of vegan food."

What our clients say

Ian Jones
Ian Jones

When the team presented the designs back to us, we were completely blown away with what had been created. I think it looks fantastic. Really scalable, simple and elegant. Perfect for Premium Customers – Thank you for creating our vision to carry us to the future

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